Slide Tag

Type: Invasion (territorial)

Cycle: 2-3

Tactics: Wait for a distraction to pass through. Taggers stay low in the knees to slide faster.

QEP: 1                                                                                 Activity Level: H


Layer 1:

  • Have the entire class run from one end of the gym to the other to identify the boundaries.
Layer 2:

  • Split the class in teams of 8 people per group. Take one group of 8 and place two students per line; the lines are parallel to each other (10 feet away) (2 students on first line, two on the next, etc. until 4 lines are made). Have the rest of the class run through to the other side, avoiding the defense (cold defense).
Layer 3:

  • This time the defenders are aloud tagging, although they are only aloud to slide on their line to tag others. Once a player passes them, they aren’t aloud to ouch them. If the players get tagged they move to the side and restart; if they pass, they pick up a bean bag at the other end and bring it back jogging, put it in the teams’ basket and restart.

--Increase the number of defenders

-- Give the defenders the ability to take a step off the line in each direction.



Make sure defenders are aware of proper touching (shoulders, arms & back)

Make sure when tagging players don’t hit hard.