Catch This!

Type: Striking and Fielding

Cycle: 1

Tactics: Use a slow and precise underhand throw.

QEP: 2                                                                                            Activity Level: L


Layer 1:

·         Place players two by two. Give each team one ball. Place all teams on two parallel lines with the players facing each other. The player with the ball throws it. Then takes a step back, the next player throws it and takes a step back. This process continues (each throw that is caught is 1 point) until on player drops the ball. When the ball is dropped both players return to the beginning position. They then try and beat their record.


--Use different fun equipment (sponges, water balloons, etc.)

--Add the number of players

--Make players step sideways

--If possible can make the players use baseball gloves (get used to them)

--Make the only use one hand


Make sure balls are not being thrown all over the place purposely

Make sure the ball is not thrown hard

Make sure player pay attention to where other teams are