Blanket Volleyball

Type: Net and Wall

Cycle: Grade 4 and cycle 3

Tactics: Good communication. Working together

QEP: 2                                                                                          Activity Level: M


Layer 1:

  • Using a blanket separate the class into groups of 4; each student takes a corner of the blanket. Give each team 1 volleyball. In the first layer, the goal is to practice lifting the ball of the blanket as a team and catching it back into the blanket.
Layer 2:

  • Once the team has mastered controlling the ball with the blanket, put one team on either side of the badminton court and separate it with cones across the middle at first (then you can add the net). The object of the game is to throw the ball with the blanket to the other team. If the opposing team drops the ball the other team gets a point.

--Play on a volleyball court with the volleyball net.

--Instead of a blanket (4 people) use a towel (2 people)


Make sure the playing space is clear of any harmful object.

Make sure students aren’t too rough with the blanket causing someone to be pulled around.