
This website includes a compilation of elementary school level games used in a physical and health education class at the Rainbow Elementary School in Cedar Heights. This culturally diverse school has approximately 500 students. Children from all around the world come to this school to benefit from our highly renown education system. The economic status of our students ranges from the middle to upper class. The school offers and amazing physical and health education facility, that is equipped with the latest equipment. 

This elementary school games binder has been digitalized to let parents see what games their children will be participating during their schooling at Rainbow Elementary and is also a great tool for teachers of this school. Instead of having binders to carry, the teacher will now have their games stored onto their laptops. This binder contains seven categories of games: fundamental movement, invasion, net and wall, cooperative, special, striking and fielding and pursuit and evade. Each category contains three games along with a picture that pertains to the game described. 

Each game states the level of the activity, the competency it pertains to, the cycle and the tactics used within it. Also, there is a description of the activity and at the end the safety aspect of each game is discussed.